Departamento: Prehistory, Archaeology, Ancient History, Medieval History and Historiographic Sciences and Techniques

Centro académico: Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Area: Prehistory

Research group: Ecce Homo: Quaternary Cenozoic Evolution Homo Ecology


Personal web:

Doctor by the UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia with the thesis Funcionalidad de la industria lítica magdaleniense del interior peninsular la peña de Estebanvela (Ayllón, Segovia) 2015. Supervised by Dr. Sergio Ripoll López, Dr. Carmen Gutiérrez Sáez.

Professor at the University of Murcia. As a researcher, he has a PhD in Prehistory and his work focuses on the study of the Paleolithic. As director of archaeological excavations, his project at Cueva del Arco in Cieza stands out. His works have been presented in relevant congresses, and his articles have been published in recognized and high-impact scientific journals. In addition to his teaching and research tasks, he holds the position of Vice-Dean of Culture and Communication of the Faculty of Letters and has specialised in science communication. As such, he has given numerous conferences in educational centres and universities, and has participated in national and international press, radio, and television.