Maria Josefa
Bolarin Martinez
Profesores Titulares de Universidad
Departamento: Didactics and School Organization
Centro académico: Faculty of Education
Area: Didactics and School Organisation
Research group: EEI: Equity and Educational Inclusion
Email: mbolarin@um.es
Doctor by the Universidad de Murcia with the thesis Elaboración de una guía de observación de los parámetros psicomotores 1999. Supervised by Dr. Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez.
Graduate in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (Pedagogy, 1990), Doctorate in Pedagogy from the University of Murcia and specialist in Early Childhood Education from the National University of Distance Education. Career (1992-2005) as a civil servant of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia attached to the body of Technical Specialist, Early Childhood Educator. Since the academic year 2005/2006 teacher and researcher at the University of Murcia exercising her profession in the Department of Didactics and School Organization, member of the research group E073-03 Equity and Educational Inclusion (EIE, 2011) of the University of Murcia, and member of the group Equity and Educational Inclusion - Educational Innovation Group (EIE-GID, 2015). As a member of these research groups, her lines of work, publication and research are framed in topics related to: students at risk of educational exclusion in secondary education, good practices, methodological innovations, creation of learning environments, cooperative work, peer learning, teaching coordination and interdisciplinarity, etc. Her scientific production has led her to obtain the recognition of two six-year research periods (last granted: 19/12/2019).