Departamento: Financial, International and Procedural Law

Centro académico: Faculty of Law

Area: Public International Law and International Relations

Research group: Derecho Internacional Público, Derechos Humanos y Derecho de la Unión Europea (Didhue)

Was part of these groups:


Doctor by the Universidad de Murcia with the thesis El principio de jurisdicción universal (o la búsqueda del equilibrio entre "lo posible" y el "deber ser") 2019. Supervised by Dr. María José Cervell Hortal.

Irene Vázquez Serrano is currently Assistant Professor of International Public Law at the University of Murcia, Spain. She formerly graduated from University of Alcalá, Spain (Master in Human Rights, 2007, and Master in European Law, 2007) and the University of Murcia, Spain (Law degree, 2005, PhD, 2019 and PhD Extraordinary Award, 2020). She has carried out research visits in Max Planck Institute (Germany, 2023), European University Institute (Italy, 2019), American University (Washington DC, 2010), The Hague Academy of International Law (The Netherlands, 2009, 2010 y 2022) and Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina, 2017). She is also an electoral international observer in the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Organization of American State (OAE) and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). She has contributed with articles, book chapters and two books: El principio de jurisdicción universal y su encrucijada. ¿Utopía o el mundo real? (Aranzadi, 2019) and El Derecho Internacional: retos y dilemas para los Sistemas de Armas Autónomas (Aranzadi, 2021). She is a member of the Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations