Infracción de patente y medidas cautelares de cesación¿«algo más» que infracción para concederlas o «algo menos» que infracción para denegarlas?
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 1139-3289
Year of publication: 2022
Tome: 42
Pages: 175-196
Type: Article
More publications in: Actas de derecho industrial y derecho de autor
Some recent court rulings have found that «something more» than the patent infringement is necessary for PIs to be granted. However, this new doctrine violates the legal regime of this sort of provisional relief, the very essence of the protection of patents and the obligation under article 9.1.a) of the Directive 2004/48/EC as interpreted by the ECJ in case C-688/17. Accordingly, the courts should abandon this doctrine and assume again that the patent infringement empties its protection in a non-redressable manner, and PIs are prima facie justified. That said, the specific circumstances of the case, if any, must be considered to decide to grant PIs where they imply «something less» courts should abandon this doctrine and assume again that the patent infringement empties its protection in a non-redressable manner, and PIs are prima facie justified. That said, the specific circumstances of the case, if any, must be considered to decide to grant PIs where they imply «something less» than a regular patent infringement because it does not cause the patentee to suffer the practical loss of its legal exclusivity over the patented invention.
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