The flipped classroom for teaching judo in physical education

  1. Casas-Moreno, C.
  2. García-de-Alcaraz, A.
  3. Hernández-García, R.
  4. Valero-Valenzuela, A.
Journal of sport and health research

ISSN: 1989-6239

Année de publication: 2022

Titre de la publication: Enero-Abril

Volumen: 14

Número: 1

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Journal of sport and health research


The new teaching methodologies into the educational context reinforce the active participation of the student, and may be able to help to teach non-common contents in the Physical Educational area. In this sense, the combat sports, especially the judo, are contents rarely used but with great properties to the development of motor and coordinative skills, and also to teach the values and indicators underlined into the curriculum. The aim of this study was to design an innovative strategy used the Flipped Classroom methodology in order to teach the judo into the Secondary Educational phase. The use of digital tools allowed a proper information exchange and the autonomous learning out of the school. During the classes, cooperative strategies were implemented, allowing a more individualized learning. This methodology was really enriched and the student and teachers achieved high level of motivation.

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