Publikationen in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern von Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (220)


  1. A New Approach to Forecasting the Probability of Recessions after the COVID-19 Pandemic*

    Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 86, Núm. 4, pp. 833-855

  2. Are corporate social responsibility and environmental management ‘influencers’ of performance in companies of the energetic sector?

    Environment, Development and Sustainability

  3. Cost benefit analysis of diversified farming systems across Europe: Incorporating non-market benefits of ecosystem services

    The Science of the total environment, Vol. 912, pp. 169272

  4. Enhance business performance in the naval and maritime sectors through the implementation of environmental management focused on human capital

    Ships and Offshore Structures

  5. Human resource management, absorptive capacity and reverse knowledge transfer

    Personnel Review, Vol. 53, Núm. 6, pp. 1542-1560

  6. Identifying the antecedents of opportunism in agri-food cooperatives: a comparative analysis between first- and second-tier cooperatives

    Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Vol. 95, Núm. 1, pp. 201-223

  7. Quantifying the impact: Are coastal areas impoverished by marine pollution?

    Ecological Economics, Vol. 221

  8. Selection of incentives for a business strategy based on crop diversification

    Spanish journal of agricultural research, Vol. 22, Núm. 3

  9. The improvement of business performance in the shipbuilding sector driven by digital transformation and decarbonisation, and its impact on human resources

    Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology

  10. The order of the factors matters: How digital transformation and servitization integrate more efficiently

    International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 271

  11. “Land Wickedness”: Technological Change, Institutions, and the Making of an Environmental Disaster in the Mining District of Cartagena-La Unión (Spain), 1840–1992

    Enterprise and Society, Vol. 25, Núm. 2, pp. 402-431


  1. A dynamic factor model to predict homicides with firearm in the United States

    Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 86

  2. Contribución directa e indirecta de las cooperativas agroalimentarias murcianas al desarrollo sostenible

    XIX Congreso Internacional de Investigadores en Economía Social y Cooperativa

  3. Crop diversification practices in Europe: an economic cross-case study comparison

    Sustainability Science, Vol. 18, Núm. 6, pp. 2691-2706

  4. Does PBL improve own apprenticeship abilities’ development and subject’s overcoming? The reality behind students’ professional success

    Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 48, Núm. 9, pp. 1361-1376

  5. Does the Blue Flag program contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals?

    Blue Flag Beaches: Economic Growth, Tourism and Sustainable Management (Taylor and Francis), pp. 69-84

  6. Estudio de la multifuncionalidad de la actividad agraria en la Región de Murcia mediante el mapeo de servicios ecosistémicos

    Mirando a los ríos desde el mar. Viejos y nuevos debates para una transición hídrica justa

  7. Integrating socio-spatial preference heterogeneity into the assessment of the aesthetic quality of a Mediterranean agricultural landscape

    Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 239

  8. Percepción social de la calidad estética del paisaje agrícola mediterráneo: los frutales en floración de la Región de Murcia

    ITEA, información técnica económica agraria: revista de la Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario ( AIDA ), Vol. 119, Núm. 3, pp. 288-308

  9. The Value of Crop Diversification: Understanding the Factors Influencing Consumers’ WTP for Pasta from Sustainable Agriculture

    Agriculture (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 3