
Name Publications
Hernandez Fernandez, Francisco Jose 4
Perez De Los Rios, Antonia 3
Gil, Maria Isabel 3
Quesada Medina, Joaquin 2
Diezma Iglesias, Belén 1
Allende, Ana 1
Lopez Galvez, Francisco 1
Lleó Garcia, Lourdes 1
Tomás Barberán, Francisco A. 1
Albolafio Deltell, Sofía 1

Collaboration Research Centres

Name Type Country Publications
Centro de Edafología y Biología aplicada del Segura Research Centre Spain 15
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid University Spain 1
University of Southampton University United Kingdom 1
University of California, Davis University United States 1
National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture Research Centre France 1