Publications (22) Yvette Coyle Black publications


  1. Literature and film to explore feminism in EFL lessons: What students think

    New Approaches to the Investigation of Language Teaching and Literature (IGI Global), pp. 221-240

  2. Storytelling in EFL primary education: Defining a sociocritical and participatory model with pre-service teachers

    Thinking Skills and Creativity, Vol. 49

  3. Videoed storytelling in primary education EFL: Exploring trainees' digital shift

    IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching


  1. Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on L2 writing and feedback processing and use in pen and paper and digital environments: Advancing research and practice

    Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching

  2. Foreign language students’ views on FL and critical literacies

    Language Awareness, Vol. 31, Núm. 2, pp. 250-269

  3. Putting words to music: Using songs in the primary english classroom

    Investigación e innovación en didáctica de la lengua y la literatura: Homenaje a Daniel Madrid Fernández (Editorial GEU), pp. 127-142

  4. The effects of using cognitive discourse functions to instruct 4th-year children on report writing in a CLIL science class

    Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, Vol. 12, Núm. 4, pp. 597-622


  1. A theoretically-grounded classification of EFL children's formulation strategies in collaborative writing

    Language Teaching for Young Learners, Vol. 3, Núm. 2, pp. 300-336


  1. Children's interaction and lexical acquisition in text-based online chat

    Language Learning and Technology, Vol. 21, Núm. 2, pp. 179-199

  2. Reformulation as a problem- solving space for young EFL writers: A longitudinal study of language learning strategies

    Learning Foreign Languages in Primary School: Research Insights (Channel View Publications), pp. 193-220


  1. Focus on writers: Processes and strategies

    Handbook of Second and Foreign Language Writing (De Gruyter), pp. 267-286