La práxis enunciativa en la publicidad contemporánea: la tensión entre permanencia yfugacidad en los rituales de compra, uso y posesión

  1. Eneus Trindade
  2. Pedro Antonio Hellín Ortuño
  3. Clotilde Pérez
  4. Paulo de Lencastre
  5. Leandro Batista
IX Congreso Asociación Internacional Semiótica Visual 2010. Retórica de lo visible. Estrategias de la imagen, entre la significación y la comunicación

Publisher: Asociación Internacional Semiótica Visual

Year of publication: 2010

Type: Conference paper


There are different ways to he presence of visible in our environment (LANDOWSKI,2004), the advertising is configured as a privileged manifestation of contemporay society,based on synesthesa, in polyphony and visualization of the concepts of uniqueness andexclusivity. This fact is evidenced by the displacement of the material of the productororganization, in favor of symbolic dematerialization, eroding the concrete with theintention os creating links from the sense of subjectivity, thereby establishing complicityand identification. The advertising and an effective presence, engaging and accesibleintentionally created as a synthessis of the tension between the promise of permanence(strategic product and brand) and fugacity characteristic of ruthless pragmatism andephemera of contemporary supply and demand. In this context we selected advertisementspublished in the last three years in the major brazilian magazine in the categories of fashion, technology and food, with over five hundred examples. The categories ofproducts/brands were selected from the criterion of volumen and frequency of appearance.Through a theoretical and empirical methodology, the ads were semiotically analysed andwere compared with the mechanisms of transfer of meaning from the reflections ofMcCraken (2003) which allowed the understanding of how to perform the processes ofmeaning of the marks from rituals of purchase, use and possession evidenced in ads.Additionally, we analyze the results obtained on trends in the research of the Observatoryof Trends in the Ipsos Institute (Brazil) and Trend Report 2009/2010 of Trend WatchingIntitute (Netherlands). It should be noted that the plastic expressions and textualadvertising find reflections of the society in its different manifestations, their values andpatterns of behavior, and important indexes to design predictions, which confirms theclaim that advertising is an insider´s evidence of the world in which we live.Keywords: advertising, brands, links of meaning, consumer trends.