Evaluación de la competencia informacional autopercibida en docentes de Educación Primaria

  1. Jiménez Rojo, Ángel
Supervised by:
  1. José Luis Serrano Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 22 July 2024

  1. Adolfina Pérez Garcias Chair
  2. María del Mar Sánchez Vera Secretary
  3. Manuel Fernández Navas Committee member

Type: Thesis


Over the past two decades, we have witnessed significant technological advancement, which has precipitated profound societal transformations. The proliferation of intelligent digital devices, social networks, and web portals has led to a substantial increase in the volume of information with which we must contend. This information overload entails a series of risks if not handled appropriately, including the consumption of misinformation, manipulation, and disinformation. In a highly digitized society, it is evident that individuals lack the necessary tools for effective information management. Moreover, our current educational system advocates for a competency-based approach to teaching. In this regard, digital literacy and, notably, information literacy, emerge as fundamental tools for information management. To achieve a proficient development of information literacy, it is imperative to integrate its cultivation within educational contexts. Consequently, our research focuses on the self-perceived development of information literacy among educators, recognizing that its effective cultivation among teaching staff will foster corresponding competency development in students. Thus, the overarching objective of our investigation is to enhance the development of information literacy among primary education teachers in the municipality of Molina de Segura. To this end, the specific objectives are to identify the dimensions of information literacy perceived as less significant by participating teachers, those in which they perceive themselves as less proficient, and to pinpoint deficiencies in training for the development of information literacy among participating teachers. To fulfill these objectives, we have employed a mixed-methods methodology, following a sequential explanatory model with a quantitative prioritization phase. The quantitative phase entails a non-experimental survey-based design, while the qualitative phase adopts an action research design. The paradigm underpinning our research is pragmatic. Regarding instruments, we utilized a survey developed based on Pinto's (2009) framework for assessing self-perceived information literacy. For the qualitative phase, a semi-structured interview validated by experts was employed. Seventy-seven teachers participated in the first instrument, while twelve participated in the second. Regarding the results, we observe that the importance of information search varies from medium to high depending on the evaluated skill. Similar observations apply to information processing and communication dimensions. Conversely, information evaluation is not accorded high importance. Concerning self-efficacy, it tends to be high across most dimensions. Furthermore, a significant correlation is noted between categorical variables pertaining to the importance and self-efficacy of certain skills and dimensions. In terms of conclusions, while the overall self-perceived level of information literacy is high, a more granular analysis reveals inadequacies in specific dimensions. Teachers assign lesser importance to dimensions such as information search and evaluation, as evidenced by the examination of each dimension and its constituent skills. Regarding deficiencies in training for information literacy development, there is a clear lack of specific training proposals. These deficiencies are compounded by a widespread lack of understanding of what information literacy entails.