Additional file 1 of Sarcoptic mange in wild ruminants in Spain: solving the epidemiological enigma using microsatellite markers

  1. Moroni, Barbara
  2. Angelone, Samer
  3. Pérez, Jesús M.
  4. Molinar Min, Anna Rita
  5. Pasquetti, Mario
  6. Tizzani, Paolo
  7. López-Olvera, Jorge Ramón
  8. Valldeperes, Marta
  9. Granados, José Enrique
  10. Lavín, Santiago
  11. Mentaberre, Gregorio
  12. Camacho-Sillero, Leonor
  13. Martínez-Carrasco, Carlos
  14. Oleaga, Alvaro
  15. Candela, Mónica
  16. Meneguz, Pier Giuseppe
  17. Rossi, Luca

Editor: figshare

Año de publicación: 2021

Tipo: Dataset

CC BY 4.0


Additional file 1: Table S1. Raw microsatellite alleles of the 10 SARMS microsatellite loci for Sarcoptes scabiei mites. A total of 266 mites were collected from skin samples and skin scrapings of 121 ruminants belonging to six species, namely Iberian ibex (76), Cantabrian chamois (16), red deer (18), roe deer (2), aoudad (1), and European mouflon (1), from 11 sampling locations in Spain.