Biocompatibility, bioactivity and immunomodulatory properties of three calcium silicate-based sealers: an in vitro study on hPDLSCs

  1. Mora, Alejandro 1
  2. García-Bernal, David 1
  3. Rodríguez-Lozano, Francisco Javier 1
  4. Sanz, José Luis
  5. Forner, Leopoldo
  6. Ghilotti, James
  7. Lozano, Adrián
  8. López-García, Sergio 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Clinical Oral Investigations

ISSN: 1436-3771

Any de publicació: 2024

Volum: 28

Número: 8

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S00784-024-05812-1 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccés obert editor

Altres publicacions en: Clinical Oral Investigations


Objectives To assess the biocompatibility, bioactivity, and immunomodulatory properties of three new calcium silicatecement-based sealers: Ceraseal (CS), Totalfill BC Sealer (TFbc) and WellRoot ST (WR-ST) on human periodontal ligamentstem cells (hPDLSCs).Materials and methods HPDLSCs were isolated from extracted third molars from healthy patients. Eluates (1:1, 1:2, and 1:4ratio) and sample discs of CS, TFbc and WR-ST after setting were prepared. A series of assays were performed: cell characterization, cell metabolic activity (MTT assay) cell attachment and morphology (SEM assay), cell migration (wound-healingassay), cytoskeleton organization (phaloidin-based assay); IL-6 and IL-8 release (ELISA); differentiation marker expression(RT-qPCR assay), and cell mineralization (Alizarin Red S staining). HPDLSCs cultured in unconditioned (negative control)or osteogenic (positive control) culture media were used as a comparison. Statistical significance was established at p<0.05.Results All the tested sealers exhibited similar results in the cytocompatibility assays (cell metabolic activity, migration,attachment, morphology, and cytoskeleton organization) compared with a negative control group. CS and TFbc exhibited anupregulation of at least one osteo/cementogenic marker compared to the negative and positive control groups. CS and TFbcalso showed a significantly higher calcified nodule formation than the negative and positive control groups. Both the markerexpression and calcified nodule formation were significantly higher in CS-treated cells than TFbc treated cells. WR-STexhibited similar results to the control group. CS and TFbc-treated cells exhibited a significant downregulation of IL-6 after72 h of culture compared to the negative control group (p<0.05).Conclusion All the tested sealers exhibited an adequate cytocompatibility. CS significantly enhances cell differentiation byupregulating the expression of key genes associated with bone and cementum formation. Additionally, CS was observedto facilitate the mineralization of the extracellular matrix effectively. In contrast, the effects of TFbc and WR-ST on theseprocesses were less pronounced compared to CS. Furthermore, both CS and TFbc exhibited an anti-inflammatory potential,contributing to their potential therapeutic benefits in regenerative endodontics.Clinical relevance This is the first study to compare the biological properties and immunomodulatory potential of Ceraseal,Totalfill BC Sealer, and WellRoot ST. The results act as supporting evidence for their use in root canal treatment.

Informació de finançament


  • Universitat de Valencia

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