La creatividad literaria como opción de crecimiento personal en estudiantes universitarios

  1. Peinado Portero, Ana Isabel 1
  2. Garcés de Los Fayos Ruiz, Enrique J. 1
  3. Hernández Arranz, Carlos 2
  4. Corbalán Berná, Francisco Javier 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


  2. 2 Escritor
Quaderns de filologia. Estudis literaris

ISSN: 1135-4178

Year of publication: 2023


Issue: 28

Pages: 37-56

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7203/QDFED.28.26573 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Quaderns de filologia. Estudis literaris


In the ongoing search for an active learning process in the university environment,the use of a theatrical text is proposed to university psychology students who have to read itand, based on it, create their own creative literary work. The choice of this sample was to finda different and complementary way of learning to the usual way in degrees related to healthsciences. Nowadays they are too marked by an empiricism that prevents the use of actions withan open-minded approach, as proposed by Corbalán (2006); Limiñana, Corbalán and Sánchez-López (2010). They proposed an approach that makes it possible to articulate new strategiesfor assessing creative behaviour within the framework of the teaching planning carried out inthe subject, directly affecting what Palupi, Subiyantoro and Triyanto (2020) later called creativethinking skills in behavioural learning through writing. The study was conducted overthree academic years (2019/20, 200/21 and 2021/22) with students who voluntarily opted toundertake such reading, with the assessment of the creative literary creative work done beingincluded in the student’s overall assessment. A total of 221 students participated during thesethree academic years. The research work analyses the different components involved in thisproposal: the selection of the sample, the evaluation criteria used, the literary proposals madeby the students, their creative classification, as well as future educational projections.

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