Motivation to learnan international multilevel study on student autonomy and teacher emphasis on content usefulness

  1. Moreno-Murcia, Juan Antonio 1
  2. Huéscar Hernández , Elisa 1
  3. León, Jaime 2
  4. Fin, Gracielle 3
  5. Nodari Júnior, Rudy José 3
  6. Valero-Valenzuela , Alfonso 4
  7. Tristán , José 5
  8. Gastélum-Cuadras, Gabriel 6
  9. Zueck Enríquez , María del Carmen 6
  10. Vargas Vitoria , Rodrigo 7
  11. Cid, Luís 8
  12. Monteiro, Diogo 8
  13. Teixeira, Diogo 9
  1. 1 Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

    Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

    Elche, España


  2. 2 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canarias
  3. 3 Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

    Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

    Joaçaba, Brasil


  4. 4 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


  5. 5 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

    Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

    San Nicolás de los Garza, México


  6. 6 Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

    Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

    Chihuahua, México


  7. 7 Universidad Católica del Maule

    Universidad Católica del Maule

    Talca, Chile


  8. 8 Instituto Politécnico de Santarém Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior
  9. 9 Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
Anales de psicología

ISSN: 0212-9728 1695-2294

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: May - September

Volume: 40

Issue: 2

Pages: 265-271

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de psicología

Sustainable development goals


Teacher autonomy support is related to improved student learning. In higher education, few studies relate classroom contextual factors, such as teacher emphasis on content usefulness, and students' motivational characteristics.  The aim was to test a multilevel model about the relation between the extent of teachers’ emphasis on the usefulness of class content with student autonomy, and, in turn, on motivation to learn. The participants were 3033 university students enrolled from 1st to 4th grade of Sciences of the Physical Activity and Sport, from universities in Spain (N = 602), Portugal (N = 469), Mexico (N = 1177), Chile (N = 372), and Brazil (N = 413). A multilevel structural equation model was performed, in which participants answered questions about the teacher's emphasis on the usefulness of class content, basic psychological need for autonomy, and motivation to learn. At the group and individual levels, the hypothesis is that the teacher's emphasis on the usefulness of class content predict the student autonomy, in turn, student autonomy predicts student motivation to learn. Results found at the group level and at the individual level the strength of teacher emphasis on class content predicted student autonomy; student autonomy predicted student motivation to learn.

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