El enterramiento calcolítico de la cueva de Jaime el Barbudo (Abarán, Murcia)Resultados de su excavación e interpretación del ritual funerario

  1. Joaquín Lomba Maurandi 1
  2. Ignacio Martín Lerma 1
  3. María Haber Uriarte 1
  4. Joaquín Caballero Soler 2
  5. José María Gómez Manuel 2
  6. José Raúl Gómez Sánchez 2
  7. Jesús Joaquín López Moreno 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/03p3aeb86

  2. 2 Asociación Cultural «La Carraila»
Actas VI Jornadas de Investigación y Divulgación sobre el Valle de Ricote: Abarán y Blanca, del 29 de abril al de mayo de 2022
  1. Jesús Joaquín López Moreno (coord.)
  2. Joaquín Caballero Soler (coord.)
  3. José María Gómez Manuel (coord.)
  4. José Molina Ruiz (coord.)

Editorial: Asociación Cultural "La Carraila"

ISBN: 978-84-09-42376-7

Ano de publicación: 2023

Páxinas: 29-41

Congreso: Jornadas de investigación y divulgación sobre el valle de Ricote (6. 2022. Murcia)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The cave of Jaime el Barbudo is located on the northwestern slope of the Sierra de la Pila. At its entrance it has some representations of schematic art discovered in 2005 and at the deepest end of it, in a small chamber of very difcult access, remains of aChalcolithic burial is located. This work summarizes the results of its excavation in 2020, identifying the secondary burial of anindividual between 25 and 31 years old, accompanied by an interesting lithic trousseau of nine fint arrowheads, two elements ofpolished stone and an idol-phalanx in stone, in addition to some remains of fauna. The burial is dated by radiocarbon to 2814-2679 Cal BC (4210±30 BP) on one of the individual’s teeth. The work includes the anthropological analysis of this individual,as well as the traceological study of the lithic tooling.