Efectividad de una intervención breve en la resiliencia, atención plena y empatía de profesionales de enfermería
- Mª Teresa Roldán Chicano 1
- Juan Francisco Sánchez García 2
- James Richard Moore 2
- Celia Navarro Manchado 2
- Carmen Álvarez Sandoval 3
- David Buendía Ortuño 4
- 1 Universidad de Murcia. Murcia. España
- 2 HG Santa Lucía, Cartagena, Murcia. España
- 3 Psicóloga. Experta en Mindfulness. Murcia. España
- 4 Fundación FADE Murcia España.
ISSN: 1695-6141
Ano de publicación: 2023
Volume: 22
Número: 3
Páxinas: 133-151
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Enfermería global: revista electrónica trimestral de enfermería
Objectives: Assess the efficacy of a guided intervention based on stress reduction and compassion, related to resilience and compassion fatigue of healthcare professionals. Methods: Quasi-experimental study with a control and intervention groups, combining a multimodal intervention delivered in 3 sessions. Control group (n = 23), experimental group (n = 23). Data collection: 4 observations were made using the Brief Resilience Scale, Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory, Compassion Fatigue Inventory and data on the professional profile and personal life. In order to analyze the relationship between variables, a general linear model, the chi-square or Fisher test, and regression analysis were used. Results: No significant effect of the evaluated intervention was found on the score obtained in mindfulness, resilience or empathy. The control group obtained a higher score in mindfulness when related to the non-covid work unit and the absence of personal stressors F(1.21)=16.081 p=<0.01, ŋ2=0.434. The normal empathic profile without risk was significantly higher in non-covid units compared to covid units in the first evaluation (70% vs 30%, p=0.002). The profile of low resilience in auxiliary nurses was higher during the last evaluation (72.2% vs 27.8%, p=0.003), a moment in which a greater number of patients were hospitalized with covid. Conclusions: A higher influences on professionals psychological wellbeing was present with personal and job related factors (professional category, work place and healthcare pressure) than the intervention carried out.
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