El clima familiar como factor determinante en la conformación de la empresa familiar

  1. Antonio José Carrasco Hernández
  2. Angel Olaz Capitán
  3. Pilar Ortiz García
European Journal of Family Business

ISSN: 2444-877X

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Alea: 3

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 17-27

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.24310/EJFBEJFB.V3I2.4043 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: European Journal of Family Business


Today family businesses find themselves faced with the need for optimising their working system and maximising their company’s performance. The company resources for carrying this out, always complex, have potential for converting into opportunities for fa mily enterprises. In this way, family resources such as internal cohesion and commitment have their reflection in the family environment. This paper examines the relationship between the factors that define family environment and the hallmarks attributed to them. Lastly this work focuses on significant sociological aspects of family businesses, where emotion is intertwined with forecasted results, always aimed at opening new channels for debate about how certain social and emotional factors condition othe r factors that are basically structural or organizational.

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