Ciencia y arte, dos aspectos de una misma necesidad: lo esencial del arte como sistema complejo ¿es posible una ciencia del arte?
- 1 Departamento de Ecología e Hidrología, Universidad de Murcia, España
ISSN: 1130-4723
Ano de publicación: 2020
Título do exemplar: Biología
Volume: 32
Número: 1
Páxinas: 153-204
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias: = Folia Canariensis Academiae Scientiarum
In a first approach, art and science are usually considered opposing concepts that belong to parallcl spheres that rarely mix, although scienee and art have crossed their paths for centuries. Despite numerous initiativcs that try to bring them together, thc collective mcntality continues to consider thcm poles apart, two diffcrent ways of seeing the world, one based on reason, logic and quantification and the other on emotion, fccling and creativity. However, art and science are by-products ofthe same brain that has evolved to survive in nature, dctecting pattcms and regularities in a seemingly chaotic world in order to anticípate natural phenomena, dangers, and consequences of decisions before executing them and reducing uncertainties of the future. Science is nothing more than an objective and quantifiable way to detect and analyze such patterns and art is the intentional creation of the same to quench the brain's need to seek and interpret them. Until now, attempts to define art have always set limits that are ambiguous and controversia!. Art is continually fighting against itself, in a self-critical attempt to integrate ali artistic movements in a common framework and defínition, to differentiate what is art from what is not. The approach that we propose in this work would allow, not only to unify said frame of reference, but also to quantify the coherence between the artist's intention and the effect on the observer through the analysis of the patterns of forn, rhythm, structure and spatial-temporal scales, affecting any of the senses. This makes the approaches and methods of sciencc and the study of art interchangeable, and that a science and the objectifícation and quantification of art are possible, safeguarding the role of intuition and creativity that constitute the very essence of artistic creation.