Efecto de una intervención educativa en la mejora de la concordancia entre las preferencias de tratamiento de las personas mayores en caso de incapacidad y las predicciones que sobre dichas preferencias realiza su representante.

  1. Inés Mª Barrio Cantalejo
  2. Olga Monistrol Ruano
  3. Antonio Rivas Campos
  4. Isabel Toral López
  5. Eva Abad Corpa
  6. Apolo García Palomares
  7. Carme Jover Sancho
  8. Javier Júdez Gutiérrez
  9. Pablo Simón Lorda
  10. Sagrario Martínez Rodríguez
  11. José Mª Barreiro Bello
NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería

ISSN: 1697-218X

Argitalpen urtea: 2005

Zenbakia: 13

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: NURE investigación: Revista Científica de enfermería


General Objective To study if just completing an Advanced Directive document (ADd) or adding an educational intervention improve the accuracy between care and treatment preferences expressed by an elderly person and the predicted by the surrogate. Specific Objectives 1. To evaluate the confidence of elderly people in the aptitude of the surrogate to predict their preferences on care and treatment. 2. To collect the opinion of elders about the probability that the surrogate will respect their care and treatment preferences. 3.To explore the elderly people opinion and their surrogates´ about the Advance Directive document. 4. To explore the surrogate´s experience when he must decide for a elderly that he has lost the capacity. Participants and Methodology Clinical trial where elderly persons above 65 will be systematically sampled from the patients attended at the Primary Health Care Centers of Granada District. The sample will be single blind randomized in three groups: in the control group the surrogate predicts the elderly person care and treatment preferences, without completing an ADd. In the Intervention Group 1 the elder will complete an Advance Directive document, and the surrogate will predict the elder preferences using the Add. In the Intervention Group 2, the elder and his/her surrogate will attend an educational session and a communicative proccess on surrogate decision making, before the elder complete the ADd. Accuracy will be mesured with the LSPQ (Life Support Preferences Questionnaire), translated and validated for Spanish Speakers, and the opinion will be meausered by a cuestionnaire.