Coreografía de una bala«Dos biografías» de Juan Gil-Albert

  1. Marcelo Urralburu 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Barcelona. Departamento de Filología Hispánica, Teoría de la Literatura y Comunicación
Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos

ISSN: 1577-6921

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 38

Type: Article

More publications in: Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos


This paper aims to develop a methodological, historical and aesthetic analysis of two texts by the poet Juan Gil - A lbert, from Alicante. These are brief biographies of two fundamental figures of culture in the first half of the 20th Century; both enigmatic and singular that require a treatment we could almost call poetic. That is, that gil - albertian biography presents an essayistic and poetic prose prose and poetic, where personal anecdotes acquire an important philosophical dimension. Thus, we will not only talk about the possible traces these authors may have left in the poet’s thinking, but also how the narrator rela tes to the biographical artists themselves and their works. This are Jean Cocteau, the versatile french artist, and the avant - garde Russian poet Vladimir Maiakovski. As we see, both subjects with extremely rupturist projects which confronted them with thei r respective societies that, in fact, represent two sides of the same Europe: one France and other the Revolutionary Russia. The selection of issues and certain aspects will become keys to Juan Gil - Albert’s own literary work, but his narrative treatment in relation to these artists indicates, at the same time, a preference or predilection that shows an aesthetic project in our author.

Bibliographic References

  • Carnero, G. (Ed.) (2007). Juan Gil-Albert. La memoria y el mito. Alicante, España: Instituto alicantino de cultura Juan Gil-Albert.
  • Ferris, J. L. (2007).«La obra en prosa de Juan Gil-Albert desde 1939». En G. Carnero (Ed.), Juan Gil-Albert. La memoria y el mito (págs. 191-206). Alicante, España: Instituto alicantino de cultura Juan Gil-Albert.
  • Gil-Albert, J. (1984a).Obra completa en prosa (Tomo VI). Valencia, España: Institución Alfonso el Magnánimo.
  • Gil-Albert, J. (1984b).Fuentes de la constancia. Madrid, España: Cátedra.
  • Gil-Albert, J. (1993).Antología poética. Valencia, España: Consell Valencià de Cultura.
  • Gil de Biedma, J. (2010).«Juan Gil-Albert, entre la meditación y el homenaje». En J. Gil de Biedma, Poesía y prosa (págs. 767-790). Barcelona, España: Galaxia Gutenberg.