La escritura creativa en las aulas del Grado de Primaria: una investigación-acción

  1. Morote Peñalver, Emilia
Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos

ISSN: 1577-6921

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 26

Type: Article

More publications in: Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos


This research deals with the necessary relationship, in the initial training of future teachers of Primary Education, between creativity and teaching strategies in language and literature that encourage it and make it part of their integral development as people and source of enthusiasm for their professional future. Studies centred on initial training are scarce as well as in the dissemination of their creative products and in the treatment of poetry from the personal creation of the student. And, with respect to the didactic model, those focused on intertextual, interdisciplinary and interlevel aspects are scarce. 2 In order to do this, an action research in a group of Primary Education degree have been implemented, being results favourable to the implementation of the didactic model used in the classroom so as to prove that it lets, at last, the students associate creativity in language and literature to a global creativity or creative culture involving their full development as individuals, so that it can be applied in their professional future despite the fact that, in the beginning, they did not considered themselves with traits of creativity and admitted having found aspects that may have limited their creativity in the academic field.

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