Indicadores de calidad sanitaria y del deterioro en filetes de dorada (Spaurus Aurata) refrigerados sometidos a un tratamiento de agua ozonizada y sal de glicina

  1. María Jesús Periago Caston
  2. Marina Santaella Pascual
  3. C. M. Martínez
  4. I. Navarro-González 1
  5. C. Puche
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Anales de veterinaria de Murcia

ISSN: 0213-5434 1989-1784

Year of publication: 2016

Issue: 32

Pages: 45-58

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de veterinaria de Murcia


In this study we have studied the effect of washing with ozonized water and the treatment with a commercial glycine salt at 5 ppm for 2 min., on the quality parameters of sea bream fillets (Sparus aurata). After treatment, the fillets were introduced in a plastic bag and stored in ice and in refrigeration, carrying out the analysis at time cero and at 6, 10 and 17 days of storage. Total volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVBN) and Trimethylamine nitrogen (TMA-N) were analyzed as chemical indicators. The microbiological quality was determined through the isolation and quantification of the hygiene microorganisms (total aerobic mesophiles), Enterobacteriaceae and coliforms) and specific microorganisms of the fish spoilage of (Pseudomonas spp., Brochotrix thermosphacta y Shewanella putrefaciens). During the refrigerated storage a significant increase of the different microorganisms and of chemical indicators were observed in the sea bass fillets, reaching unacceptable levels after the 10 days of storage. In general, the utilization of the commercial glycine salt at 5 ppm do not exhibit an effect on the reduction of the specific microorganisms of sea bass fillet spoilage in comparison with the samples washing only with ozonized water.