Ciudad como escenario del arte urbano. Imagen y palabra como espacio simbólico de reivindicación social contemporáneo

  1. Ortuño Mengual, Pedro
  2. Corrales Rodriguez, Sofía
BRAC: Barcelona, Research, Art Creation

ISSN: 2014-8992

Année de publication: 2017

Titre de la publication: Octubre

Volumen: 5

Número: 3

Pages: 323-346

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17583/BRAC.2017.2564 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: BRAC: Barcelona, Research, Art Creation

Objectifs de Développement Durable


This article tries to analyse the work of two authors: Martha Rosler and Rogelio Lopez from the interest that both show in their productions about issues on the citizenship, the collective memory, and the urban space where converge the longings and interests of those that inhabit it. Regarding the methodology employed, it has been based in the qualitatively analysis of the works, of the thought and of the type of language used by both artists.The symbol, the image and the word through the appropriation of advertising resources are inherent characteristics to the work of both. It is a matter of making visible those social problems inserted in the urban space, through the poetics of the language. Therefore, we appreciate that the city, the community and the public space become one of the main keys in the productions of both artists. That is, the search for communication between artist and citizenship based on rhetorical figures (allegories, metaphors, paradoxes, ironies, etc.) where language is protagonist alongside the appropriation of images as a way of making visible the invisibilities within their works inserted in the contemporary urban art.

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