La experiencia antropológica del libro de artista a través de los sentidos
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 2173-0024
Year of publication: 2015
Issue: 6
Pages: 152-171
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Nuevas Tendencias en Antropología
The universe of Roman Gil (Seville, 1940) carries a number of features that are treated independently of paintings, sculptures, drawings, artist books do they have a strange echo the social use of the senses, especially olfactory perception and taste. The anthropology of the senses could approach the way the form and matter tell the world we are concerned, whose spatiotemporal structure has the peculiarity of articulated through a little sensitive memory used in the art world. We could say that the work of Gil appears intricate for a synesthetic subtle references that provide the possibility of a sensory intensity analogy keys and likely to cause the viewer to experience it is usually disconnected identification. His large collection of titles for his works, reflects this concern by incorporating into the plastic world a look that does not end with the visual
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