Utilización de las TIC’s para desarrollar las habilidades emocionales en alumnado con TEA desde la colaboración escuela-familia-universidaduna experiencia en un aula abierta específica

  1. Lozano Martínez, Josefina
  2. Merino Ruiz, Sarai
Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia

ISSN: 1699-3748

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 31

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia


Given the difficulties that people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) present for the acquisition and development of social and emotional skills, this research presents a method of intervention that collaborate and intervene several areas: family, school and university with the aim of assessing whether through a process of teaching and learning aimed at understanding emotions and beliefs with students with ASD through educational software, you can improve that understanding, also involving the generalization of this learning to other areas of their daily lives. To do this, he attended three secondary students with ASD enrolled in an open classroom, they were participants in a study design multiple-case; also formed part of the investigation the parents of those students, the open classroom teacher and the university research team. The procedure took place through an assessment of students before and after the educational intervention, to assess their level of understanding of emotions and beliefs, using a range of materials designed for that purpose. The results indicate that after the educational intervention process, the three students participating in the research improved performance on tasks that assess understanding of emotions and beliefs, which may explain these results by the way the content is organized, they presented the and motivation activities involving the use of educational software in the educational intervention with students with ASD.

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