Aplicación de un programa para la mejora de la responsabilidad personal y social en las clases de educación física

  1. Sánchez Alcaraz Martínez, Bernardino Javier
  2. Gómez Mármol, Alberto
  3. Valero Valenzuela, Alfonso
  4. Cruz Sánchez, Ernesto de la
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 30

Pages: 121-129

Type: Article

More publications in: European Journal of Human Movement


This research aims to assess Personal and Social Responsibility Model improvements. For this purpose, a preparation course about this methodology was taught to four teachers (two of primary education and two of secondary education), who used it within 24 Physical Education lessons. The participants, 91 primary education pupils and 95 secondary education pupils were put into four control groups and four experimental groups. The pretest attached results enhance that personal and social responsibilities are more developed in men than in women and in primary education pupils than in secondary education pupils. The postest attached results keep these relationships, finding important improvements in all variables. Thus, Personal and Social Responsibility Model is an effective teaching metholodogy in order to get the development of this values during childhood.

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