Estudio comparativo de dos programas de entrenamiento de la memoria en personas mayores con quejas subjetivas de memoriaun análisis preliminar
- García Sevilla, Julia
- Fernández, Pedro J.
- Fuentes Melero, Luis José
- López García, Juan José
- Moreno, María José
ISSN: 0212-9728, 1695-2294
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 30
Issue: 1
Pages: 337-345
Type: Article
More publications in: Anales de psicología
Introduction: Despite the cognitive decline that occurs with age, several studies have showed the effectiveness of memory training programs for improving some neurocognitive functions in older people. Objective: to analyze in a preliminary way the differential effect of two memory training programs on several areas of cognition in older adults. Method: 18 older adults between 61 and 81 years have participated, either in a memory strat-egies training program, either an everyday forgetfulness training program. All of them evaluated the subjective perception of memory and cognitive performance before and after training. Results: A statistically significant im-provement in the questionnaire of subjective memory complaints was found in both groups, and only the group receiving everyday forgetfulness training improved in some cognitive performances in visuospatial working memory (Corsi test reverse) and reasoning (analogies). Conclusions: Memory training programs improve the subjective perception that older people have about its functioning, and this is independent of training methodology used
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