Diagnóstico genético preimplantatorio y el "bebé medicamento"criterios éticos encontrados en la lliteratura biomédica y bioética

  1. Arango Restrepo, Pablo
  2. Sánchez Abad, Pedro José
  3. Pastor García, Luis Miguel
Cuadernos de bioética

ISSN: 1132-1989 2386-3773

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 23

Issue: 78

Pages: 301-320

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de bioética


A bibliographic review on «saviour sibling» was performed in order to find out the ethical criteria put forward by the authors on this issue. 23 biomedical and 10 bioethical journals were reviewed and authors for and against the procedure were found. In the Biomedical journals, the main arguments for this issue are that nobody should be hurt and that there is an ethical imperative that is to save a life and that this is preferable to abortion. Those against, believe that an inadequate discrimination against women is being exerted on one hand by subjecting them to a complex, inefficient and dangerous procedure, and on the other, against embryos when many healthy ones are rejected because they are not compatible, or because of the dangers to the embryo, and also the psychological problems for the sick child as well as the donor. In the bioethical journals, we found a higher proportion of papers that are in its favor than in biomedical journals. The arguments are similar to those of the bioethical ones, but there are some particular arguments such as that the autonomy of parents must be respected; that it is a success of the common sense; that it is not an invasive process as it is considered; that it only involves blood donation not a solid organ; that the child that donates will feel accompanied by the saved one and he/she will feel the satisfaction of since having helped someone to live because without this procedure, the baby child would probably not have been born. The arguments against are the discrimination women undergo when they are subjected to this procedure with potential risks for her, the embryos and children. In conclusion: a) the morality of «saviour sibling» medicine not has been debated in the bioethics and biomedical community before its implementation b) in both communities the majority of authors consider it to be ethically licit; c) paradoxically there is a greater relative percentage of authors who are critical of it within the biomedical field than in bioethics; d) from a personalist bioethics perspective a human embryo is endowed with the dignity of a person and as such must be respected, this technique being an positive eugenics practice, in which, after previous selection health embryos are deprived of their right to exist.

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