Los sentidos de la ciencia en el cine. Metodología para su análisis

  1. Gómez Sánchez, Ana Isabel
  2. Hellín Ortuño, Pedro Antonio
  3. San Nicolás Romera, César
Razón y palabra
  1. Rivera Betancur, Jerónimo León (coord.)

ISSN: 1605-4806

Argitalpen urtea: 2011

Zenbakien izenburua: Personajes dentro y fuera de la pantalla

Zenbakia: 78

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Razón y palabra


Today science is parto f our lives, in a way so invisible to some, such as advertising. The techno-scientific knowledge is key to the development of our societies and it is therefore important to know how it is transmitted. In particular, within a context where media plays a key role in zapping the reality of men and women, each of them media consumer. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a methodology to explain the significant dimension that takes the scientific fact when it is represented in social discourse of fiction film. That is, what vision conveyed in the film about science. To that end, it has been adapted the method of the general theory of social production of meaning, articulated by Eliseo Veron, to the concrete study of scientific controversies represented in the filmic discourse. We start from a principle of relevance which understands the cinema as a medium capable of legitimate world views and unique behaviors. Given the above, our methodology applies a form of content analysis to each film. It takes into account the key moments of the communicative process: production, circulation and consumption. The study of variables that are part of those stages and their subsequent interaction will help to reveal the representations of science that legitimizes the film and to understand better the scientific popular imagination that pervades our society.