Hacia la educación intercultural
ISSN: 1139-1723
Datum der Publikation: 2011
Titel der Ausgabe: Infocomunicación y Educación Social
Nummer: 18
Seiten: 131-149
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria
With this article,we pretend to bet for an intercultural education not to be reduced as a broken and coyuntural instrument that only a methodologic change to be. By the opposite, we wish this approach to become an inalienable educative mode to setting that the people from different cultures to be included. We consider the intercultural educationmay tomean a good alternative in opposite to monocultural educative models because this approach accept the complexity of the human being and his culture and recognize everybody are pluricultural and we can work together to get a democratic society.
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