Falsificaciones epistolares en Heródotolas cartas que no eran del rey

  1. Carmen Sánchez-Mañas
De ayer y hoy: Contribuciones multidisciplinares sobre pseudoepígrafos literarios y documentales
  1. Mikel Labiano Ilundain (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Ediciones Clásicas

ISBN: 978-84-7882-841-8

Ano de publicación: 2019

Páxinas: 41-51

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


This paper aims to determine the common and dissimilar characteristics of the false letters that appear in Herodotus’ Histories (Hdt. 1.125. 2 and 3.128.2-5) by means of an in-depth comparative study. The comparison focuses on three aspects: form of the epistolary falsifications, their result taking into account their effect on both later development of involved characters and on narrated facts and, thirdly, fitting of these falsifications in Cyrus’and Darius’ profiles. What emerges from this analysis is the paradox that these letters, while undoubtedly false, are good and positive.