Uso del simulador informático physioex en la asignatura de fisiología veterinariaValoración del alumnado

  1. Francisco A. García-Vázquez 1
  2. Pilar Coy 1
  3. Carmen Matás 1
  4. Raquel Romar 1
  5. Salvador Ruiz 1
  6. Iván Hernández-Caravaca 1
  7. Marco A. Marco 1
  8. Joaquín Gadea 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


  2. 2 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Cartagena, España


I Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente. CIID: Cartagena 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2011

Publisher: Cartagena, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, D.L. 2011

ISBN: 978-84-694-5332-2

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 443-452

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente del Campus de Excelencia Internacional "Mare Nostrum" (CIID) (1. 2011. Cartagena)

Type: Conference paper


The use of animals, biological material and other laboratory materials/reagents causes, in many cases, certaindifficulties and a high cost. Nowadays the widespread use of different teaching methods as alternatives is increasing.These methods include computer simulators, which allow a simple and affordable method for computer usage as analternative to laboratory methodologies. The benefits of this usage are the possibility of repeating the exercises as oftenas students like and unlimited access and use of the program.The aim of our study was to determine students´ point of view on the use of computer simulation “PhysioEx” onPhysiology teaching as a complement to the theoretical and laboratory sessions. To this end, students were asked tocomplete a survey made up of 6 questions. In total 249 surveys were analyzed. The results were very positive sinceapproximately 90% of students considered good or very good the use of these simulators in the teaching of Physiology