Materiales para la supervisión de las prácticas escolares en el grado de maestroSeminarios y tutorías

  1. María José Martínez Segura 1
  2. María Ángeles Gomariz Vicente 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


  2. 2 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Cartagena, España


I Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente. CIID: Cartagena 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2011

Publisher: Cartagena, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, D.L. 2011

ISBN: 978-84-694-5332-2

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 959-968

Congress: Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente del Campus de Excelencia Internacional "Mare Nostrum" (CIID) (1. 2011. Cartagena)

Type: Conference paper


In this work we have focused in the desing of seminars and tutorials within School Training (Teacher Degree), we haveconsidered spaces, times, materials and assessment. We show the materials and resources that will allow us to guide thelearing student, as well as to contribute to the ability continuous assessment.In the university context, Seminars play an important role in the School Training development and they offer communguidelines that make possible a similar action for the diferent professionals who supervise this practices. We havedesigned some materials which help to university tutor to planing and completing every diferent seminars. Also wepresented materials for the students to contribute to seminars use.On the oder hand, from the school, the tutorial provide aid in the learning process making possible the transformation ofthe academic learnings in professional abilities, through a professional dialogue with the student based on materials andresources previusly formalized. From this approach the tutorial accion of teacher tutor becomes an important part of inicial training of the future Primary School Teachers