Estudio de restos de ganado porcino de 4500 años de antigüedad encontrados en el yacimiento calcolítico c/marsilla nº 12 (Lorca, Murcia)

  1. Francisco Gil Cano
  2. José María Vázquez Autón
  3. Alicia Soler López
  4. Carlos Cárceles Rodríguez
  5. Raquel Solano Martínez
  6. Joaquín Lomba Maurandi
Las ciencias veterinarias al servicio de la sociedad: Actas del XXV Congreso Nacional y XVI Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia de la Veterinaria: Toledo, 15, 16 y 17 de Noviembre de 2019
  1. Luis Alberto García Alía (dir. congr.)
  2. Juan Julián García Gómez (coord.)

Publisher: Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Toledo

ISBN: 9788409148363 8409148366

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 177-181

Congress: Congreso Iberoamericano de Historia de la Veterinaria (16. 2019. Toledo)

Type: Conference paper


We present a first morphological and osteometric analysis of domestic pig remains recovered in the site C / Marsilla No. 12 (Lorca, Murcia) corresponding to the final period of the Copper Age in the III millennium BC. 1986 remains (complete bones, bone fragments and dental pieces) belonging to 10 domestic pigs have been evaluated. All the corporal regions were represented although with predominance of the bony rest belonging to the head and the thorax (ribs and vertebrae). Nine of the 10 individuals analyzed correspond to young animals slaughtered at lower ages or around 12-15 months and only one specimen exceeded two years. In two of the animals studied it was possible to determine the height of the cross, located around 60 cm. Although we have not found cutting marks, we suspect that most of these pigs were slaughtered for meat use. The data obtained show the importance that pigs had in the Region of Murcia in prehistoric period 4500 years ago and provide information on some morphological, morphometric and use of this type of livestock during the Chalcolithic period.