El análisis de la colaboración internacional en la investigación de las universidades. Ejemplo de uso práctico para la mejora de la investigación en una universidad

  1. Santiago-Martínez, Guillermo
  2. Panigua Arís, Enrique
  3. Ayuso García, María Dolores
FECIES 2013: X Foro Internacional sobre Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior
  1. María Teresa Ramiro Sánchez (coord.)
  2. Tamara Ramiro Sánchez (coord.)
  3. María Paz Bermúdez Sánchez (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual AEPC

ISBN: 978-84-697-0237-6

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 158-164

Congress: Foro sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación (10. 2013. Granada)

Type: Conference paper


A case study is presented where the Strategic Management Office (ODE) of the University of Murcia (UM) analyzed the role of the international collaboration (CI) indicator in the scientific impact of a university. Other sources indicated that CI and research quality had a direct relationship. In the research it is analyzed and presented visually the relationship between International collaboration index and the indicators ―Normalized Citation‖ and ―% Output in Q1‖, obtained from the document Science Indicators of Spanish HEIs 2006-2010 (SCIMAGO lab) and from the Ranking Iberoamericano SIR, editions 2012, 2011 y 2010. The final objective of the case study was to show graphically the importance of CI in the research quality of HEI´s. The results show the correlation in the rankings showed between the CI index and research quality. Finally, the three recommendations proposed to the university are exposed: to maximize stronger areas; searching the efficiency in research; and boost areas with great improvement potential.