La formación permanente del profesorado en la etapa de educación obligatoriaentre las declaraciones y las prácticas.

  1. González González, Mª Teresa
  2. Rodríguez Entrena, M. Jesús
  3. Cutanda López, Mª Trinidad
Investigar para acompañar el cambio educativo y social: el papel de la Universidad : libro de actas
  1. Calvo Salvador, Adelina (coord.)
  2. Rodríguez Hoyos, Carlos (coord.)
  3. Haya Salmón, Ignacio (coord.)

Publisher: Santander, AUFOP-Universidad de Cantabria, 2014

ISBN: 978-84-697-1382-2

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 751-760

Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre la Formación del Profesorado (13. 2014. Santander)

Type: Conference paper


In this communication, developed within the framework of a R & D investigation project about the lifelong learning of teachers working in compulsory schooling , some data coming from the Autonomous Community of Murcia about lifelong learning official policies and the assessments made by teachers about the contents and training activities are presented and discussed. The information, gained and prepared from the analysis of the contents of the Regional Government regulations about this matter and from the quantitative analysis of the data of a questionnaire completed by Primary and Secondary Education teachers, encourage some reflections and considerations about the coherence between the policies that define and regulate both the meaning and purposes of the lifelong learning of the teachers and its contents and conditions for development and the training actions that, in fact, teachers carry out.