Valores y psicopatologíaestudio epidemiológico de los valores e ideales en una muestra española

  1. Garcia Gomez, Maria Pilar
Supervised by:
  1. María Concepción Tejerina Arreal Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 22 January 2016

  1. Lourdes Ezpeleta Chair
  2. Encarnación Fernández Ros Secretary
  3. José Luis Pedreira Massa Committee member
  1. Personality, Psychological Assessment and Treatment

Type: Thesis


GENERAL PURPOSE This study is part of the study of values under the concept of priority options or choices that individuals make and that they lead to different goals and lifestyles. In this research two aspects of values are explored. The first assesses what young people admire, and is considered an operational measure of personal ideals. The second is a measure of priority goals of life, which is conceived as a representation of the structure of contemporary personal values, but also as a representation of these long-term securities. According to various authors, goals and ideals increase, or contribute to the likelihood of developing a mental disorder as a result of a number of adjustment problems. This, together with the results of various studies, which show an increase in the prevalence of behavioral disorders in recent generations, becomes relevant, conduct a study to determine what values of the youth of our society contribute to the emergence and increasing these disorders. METHODOLOGY The research design is typical of a transversal epidemiological study, since the variables are measured in a given period of time and once, getting a single set of data present in each subject. The subjects were divided into age cohorts, depending on the academic year. The sample used in this study consists of a total of 303 subjects aged between 12 and 16 years. 58.1% of the sample were female and 41.9% were boys. 63.4% of the sample belongs to the urban and the suburban middle 36%. In the present study the following measuring instruments were used: " "What kids Admire" " "Child Life Priority" " Youth Self Report The statistical treatment of the data was performed with SPSS version 19. The procedures used were as follows: " Frequency analysis and contingency tables to find the prevalence of socio-demographic data, ideals and values that young people admire and disapprove and psychopathological problems. " Calculation of the reliability of the measures through Cronbach Alpha coefficients to determine the internal consistency of the goals and ideals. " Factor Analysis of the ideals and priority goals in order to get easier to handle in the subsequent data analysis, among these independent variables and psychopathology dimensions. " Calculation of the T-test, to analyze gender differences with regard to the choice of goals and ideals. " ANOVA to explore the goals and ideals at different ages (evolutionary patterns) by gender. " Calculation of the T-test, to analyze differences in the choice of goals and ideals based on the type of institution (public vs. concerted center) and place of residence (urban vs. suburban). " Correlation analysis to determine the relationship between sociodemographic data and the choice of priority goals and ideals. " Frequency analysis and contingency tables to find the prevalence of data on psychosocial scales of YSR and syndromic competition. " Calculation of the T-test, to analyze gender differences in syndromic scale of YSR. " Multiple regression analysis with covariates for age and sex, to determine the relationship of sociodemographic data, ideals, goals and psychopathology. " Canonical Correlation Analysis to see the relationship between all study variables. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS - What most young people admire (ideal) in this sample, from what they perceive themselves and from what they perceive to admire others their age, are ideal prosocial or conventional. - The least admire the young people of this Spanish sample are antisocial behavior - Priority life goals (values) more important for the youth of this sample are those that refer to intrinsic values. - The priority targets less important life (values) are referred to extrinsic values - There are gender differences in the admiration of ideals. Thus we find that boys more than girls admire the ideals of image and antisocial behavior. The girls, meanwhile, admire more than boys materialistic prosocial behavior and unconventional. - There are gender differences in the choice of priority targets. We emphasize that the girls gave a higher priority to the goals related to membership and self-targeting: - There are cultural differences in admiration of ideals and goals priority in choosing among young Spaniards and young Americans. - The admiration of antisocial activities related to the development of externalizing syndromes such as behavioral problems, thought problems, attention problems, aggressive behavior and other problems. - The admiration of materialistic ideals and image related to impaired thinking, attention problems, behavioral problems, aggressive behavior and other problems. - The admiration of prosocial ideals related to the development of anxiety disorders-depression, somatic complaints and social problems. - Students who scored high on materialism, service and support high scores obtained syndromes externalizing behavior problems and aggressive behavior. - The priority choice of certain goals and ideals inherent protection is a factor of the onset of psychopathology. In our case act as protective factors for the development of externalizing syndromes, the admiration of prosocial-conventional ideals, the priority of having children, as well as a low priority being known and admired by many people, have a fun and exciting life and be physically attractive.Valores y psicopatología : estudio epidemiológico de los valores e ideales en una muestra española