La identidad del educador. Referentes de identidad constitutivos de la profesión educativa.

  1. Penalva Buitrago, José
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Ortega Ruiz Director
  2. Ramón Mínguez Vallejos Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 08 June 2006

  1. Alfonso Capitan Diaz Chair
  2. Lourdes Gordillo Álvarez-Valdés Secretary
  3. Luis Núñez Cubero Committee member
  4. Luis Álvarez Munárriz Committee member
  5. Julio Vera Vila Committee member
  1. Theory and History of Education

Type: Thesis


This is research on the Philosophy of Education. It shows the basic keystones or core meanings of the teacher¿s identity. The author develops the idea along these four lines: 1) teacher as moral mediator in the teaching process; 2) the problem of the anthropological and axiological of the teaching process; 3) the problem of teacher¿s professionalism; 4) teacher and society (teacher¿s social concern). This study develops these core meanings in the sources of educational thought, specifically: Plato, Plutarch, Clement of Alexandria, Augustin, Joan Lluis Vives, Montaigne, Locke, Rousseau, Giner de los Ríos, and compare their conclusions with educational views which influence on our education established order. The fundamental purpose of this research is brings to light the education aims and reconstruct teacher¿s identity. And it pretends to go beyond the three most frequently held views in pedagogical discourse today: psychology, economy and policy.