Effect of vegetable coagulant, microbial coagulant and calf rennet on physicochemical, proteolysis, sensory and texture profiles of fresh goats cheese

  1. García, V.
  2. Rovira, S.
  3. Teruel, R.
  4. Boutoial, K.
  5. Rodríguez, J.
  6. Roa, I.
  7. López, M.B.
Dairy Science and Technology

ISSN: 1958-5586 1958-5594

Argitalpen urtea: 2012

Alea: 92

Zenbakia: 6

Orrialdeak: 691-707

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1007/S13594-012-0086-1 GOOGLE SCHOLAR