El texto como estrategia creativa en el arte urbano contemporáneo

  1. Corrales Rodriguez, Sofia
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Pedro Ortuño Mengual Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 21 von Dezember von 2015

  1. Maribel Doménech Ibáñez Präsident/in
  2. Virginia Villaplana Ruiz Sekretärin
  3. Elena Edith Monleón Pradas Vocal
  1. Bellas Artes

Art: Dissertation


ABSTRACT The main focus of this thesis is based on the analysis of the text as a creative strategy in the different artistic and social practices within the public space, being the primary language object of study of this phenomenon itself. Language is an instrument of thought, and who reveals himself as one of the most effective means to express ideas through the communication process and as a vehicle for information to the viewer. At the same time, it is the conventional communication system. So, as we see, the trend in plastic and visual to use the text as a legitimizing resource from the twentieth century to the present, as lawful, conceptual arts strategy, which involves a whole structure and work order projection level the artistic work, and serving factors on the complexity and functionality of the same, differing entirely on immediate action concepts such as tactics, wrongly used as a synonym for the strategy. Revealing here, the concept of strategy mainly conceptual resource in those productions that employ the use of text as a strategy for creation. In the study of language, we will focus on the visual rhetoric a mode of analysis that can allow us, in different media or in different media- visual arts, film, advertising-articular signifier and signified, or in other words, form and content in order to better understand a work of art from the point of view of the spectator or as creators of it. While, in the use of a method or strategy, it can be seen that the use of thought through language and its various tropes, can serve as building strategies. Keywords: Text, creative strategy, visual rhetoric, public space, social practices of art OBJECTIVES OF THE THESIS: Among the objectives of this thesis studies the use of text as a creative strategy we have proposed: - Study through a historical text use as creative strategy throughout the history of the visual arts. - Observe the different aspects that occur in the fusion of image and text, as well as the relationship established between the font itself with the visual semiotics as the importance of rhetorical figures as communicative figures in different artistic discourses. - Analyze the characteristics that unite different artistic practices that use the text as a creative strategy. - Understand the importance of the term strategy as a conceptual process that involves all work order level structure and projection of artistic work, and serving factors on the complexity and functionality of the same - Establish through analysis of these different practices or different media vehicles where the inserted text. - Note the importance of the text as a creative strategy in different social practices in the analysis of the selected authors and language use a determining influence on the general meaning of the works of these authors. METHODOLOGY: The methodology is based on one of its parts, in the book Educational research. Fundamentals and methodology of Arnal, Del Rincon & Latorre (1992) and Technical Research in Social Sciences (Latorre & Sanz, 1995). It will be framed within the social research methodology qualitative / constructivist. CONCLUSIONS: Language is an instrument of thought, and who reveals himself as one of the most effective means to express ideas through the communication process and as a vehicle for information to the viewer. The use of text as a creative strategy will be one of the formal and conceptual resources that artists incorporate in their work characterizing much of the history of twentieth century art production, leading to the use of language is recognized as a tool of expression, and that the artistic act as the art of ideas or thought is contemplated.