La educación artística como constructora de conocimiento global y como alternativa a propuestas curriculares actuales (LOMCE)

  1. Bas Pascual, Maria Paz
Supervised by:
  1. Elena Vicente Herranz Co-director
  2. Pilar Manuela Soto Solier Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 December 2015

  1. Ana García López Chair
  2. María Dolores López Martínez Secretary
  3. Víctor Borrego Nadal Committee member
  1. Artistic, Musical and Body Expression

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT The research collected in this thesis aims to analyze the place of arts education in the curriculum of primary through the new curriculum proposed by education reform LOMCE (Organic Law of Education Quality Improvement), plans that include as basic skills in the curriculum: linguistic communication, mathematical, knowledge and interaction with the physical world, information processing and digital, social and civic competence, autonomy and personal initiative, learning to learn, cultural and artistic competence. Reviewing alternative artistic methods and supported the current education system, teaching-learning processes based holistic art and creativity to develop a viable proposal for education curriculum. To this end, work methods at both national and international levels of various investigations, make concrete contributions primary stage are analyzed. The methodology used in the research was hypothetical-deductive through the analysis of the proposed curriculum implemented in the school context of the Region of Murcia in the primary stage of drawing conclusions regarding the future of education. Posing as a methodological alternative hypothesis based on the art as a tool for knowledge building in which they can develop optimally, creative and innovative objectives that the law enacted.