Análisis del autoconcepto físico, grado de disfrute y percepción de éxito en Educación Física y su relación con el nivel de actividad física habitual en adolescentes

  1. Fernandez Lifante, Jose
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Luis Rodríguez García Director
  2. Eliseo García Cantó Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 January 2016

  1. Antonio Jesús Casimiro Andújar Chair
  2. Juan Luis Yuste Lucas Secretary
  3. José Enrique Moral García Committee member
  1. Artistic, Musical and Body Expression

Type: Thesis


nalysis of Physical Self-concept, Enjoyment and Perception of Success in Physical Education and its relationship with the Regular Physical Activity Levels in adolescents. Abstract Justification and objectives. Sedentary lifestyle and the lack of regular physical activity are two of the greatest problems of public health nowadays. On the other hand, adolescence is considered a decisive period for people to become in regular practitioners of physical activity or to drop it out. Physical self-concept, enjoyment, and perception of success in Physical Education have proved to be influential variables in the level of regular physical activity of adolescents, according to most of the studies published in the scientific literature. The main objective of the present study is to analyze the relationship between those variables and the level of regular physical activity in a sample of adolescents of the Region of Murcia. Methods. A total of 583 adolescents (272 men and 312 women) aged 14-18 years from the Region of Murcia participated in this cross-sectional and relational ex post facto study, where the regular physical activity was determined through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The physical self-concept was measured through the Physical Self-concept Questionnaire (PSQ). The enjoyment in the physical activity was measured through the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES), and the perception of success in the Physical Education was determined through the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ). Results. Data analysis showed that: a) vigorous and moderate physical activity is higher in men than in women; b) men have higher levels of self-confidence and self-perception than women; c) regarding the level of physical self-concept, there are no significant differences between both sexes; d) men show higher levels in ego and task orientation than women; e) enjoyment levels in the physical activity are higher in males; f) the enjoyment level in the physical activity produces an increase of the levels of regular physical activity in both men and women; g) high levels in perceived competence values should produce an increase in the levels of regular physical activity in both males and females; h) high levels of physical attractiveness, physical self-concept and strength are positively related to the levels of physical activity in males; however this correlation is not so clear in females; i) there is no correlation between the orientation in the perception of success and the levels of physical activity in males, however a high task orientation in women is related to an increase in the levels of physical activity. Conclusions. The results of our studies show that males have high levels of vigorous and moderate physical activity than females. Enjoyment levels and ego orientation levels are significantly higher in males than in females. We don't find significant differences between women and men regarding the levels of global physical self-concept. Enjoyment and perception and success are predictor variables of the regular physical activity levels in adolescents. Our research support a unidirectional model in the relationship between the physical self-concept and the levels of physical activity, stating that individuals with higher levels of physical activity received higher score on the PSQ because the items of this questionnaire are formulated with direct allusion to the physical activity and sports. This conclusion reveals that in futures researches a neutral scale of self-concept should be necessary, which should allow to relate in a more efficient way the self-concept with the physical activity.