Parámetros bioquímicos como indicadores de bienestar animal en momentos previos al sacrificio: Efecto del tipo de cordero

  1. R. Bórnez Sevilla 1
  2. M.B. Linares Padierna 1
  3. M. Fernández Nohales 1
  4. H. Vergara Pérez 1
  1. 1 Campus Universitario de Albacete
XXXIII Jornadas Científicas y XII Internacionales de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnica y Caprinotenia: Almería, 24-27 de septiembre de 2008 : producción ovina y caprina, nº XXXIII SEOC

Publisher: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca ; Junta de Andalucía

ISBN: 978-84-8474-246-3

Year of publication: 2008

Pages: 287-291

Congress: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC). Jornadas (33. 2008. Almería)

Type: Conference paper


This work examined the effect of blood sampling time (farm, transport,lairage) assessed by plasmatic biochemical parameter [glucose, total protein,urea, creatinine, lactate deshydrogenase (LDH), creatine kinase (CK), sodium,potassium and lactate], in two types of Manchega breed lambs (light andsuckling). Both, animal age and blood sampling time had effect on animalwelfare biochemical indicators. Plasmatic level of LDH, CK, sodium, potassiumand lactate levels were higher on older animals. Higher values (P < 0.05) onglucose and creatinine concentrations were found on light lambs after lairage,and on urea after transport. In contrast, suckling lambs showed significantdifferences on potassium concentration, which was higher in farm and on totalprotein and sodium, which were higher after transport.