Análisis del papel de la elección de la base de datos reticular observacional en la evaluación de modelos climáticos regionales

  1. Juan P. Montávez 1
  2. Juan J. Gómez Navarro 1
  3. Sonia Jerez 1
  4. Rocío Baró 1
  5. Raquel Lorente-Plazas 1
  6. Juan Andrés García-Valero 1
  7. Pedro Jiménez-Guerrero 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Cambio climático. Extremos e impactos: [ponencias presentadas al VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología]
  1. Concepción Rodríguez Puebla (coord.)
  2. Antonio Ceballos Barbancho (coord.)
  3. Nube González Reviriego (coord.)
  4. Enrique Morán Tejeda (coord.)
  5. Ascensión Hernández Encinas (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Española de Climatología

ISBN: 978-84-695-4331-3

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 153-163

Congress: Asociación Española de Climatología. Congreso (8. 2012. Salamanca)

Type: Conference paper


The validation of climate models is critical because it gives us confidence for using in different applications. The skill of a model is evaluated by checking their ability reproducing observations. However, the nature of the procedures for obtaining measurements, as well as the statistical techniques used to extrapolate this information to grided databases, produce important uncertainties that can difficult the validation process. This paper presents the results of the skill evaluation of the members of two ensembles of regional climate simulations in reproducing precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures using three different grid databases (SPAIN02, AEMET and E-OBS ), which have similar spatial resolution (approximately 25 km). The first set is multiphysics (30 km) and consists of eight members. The second set is multi-model (ESCENA) and consists of 5 members (25 km resolution). The results indicate that the skill of the ensemble members in reproducing the observed climate over Spain depends on the selected database. These results may have implications on the discussions that are taking place in the climate change community regarding the weighting of the regional future climate model projections.