Una archiva del DIY (Do it yourself)autoedición y autogestión en una fanzinoteca feminista-queer

  1. Alcantara Sanchez, Maria Angeles
Dirigida per:
  1. Pedro Ortuño Mengual Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 01 de de febrer de 2016

  1. Juan Antonio Suárez Sánchez President
  2. Haizea Barcenilla García Secretari/ària
  3. Óscar Luis Martínez Martín Vocal
  1. Bellas Artes

Tipus: Tesi


Una Archiva del DIY (Do It Yourseft): autoedición y autogestión en una fanzinoteca feminista-queer. This project focuses on creating a archive of collectives, associations or groups self-managed that produces editions as part of their practice around the feminist fanzine and music-drawing relationship. This archive has the ambition to compile these editions and put to public disposition for study as a whole. The archive has had a use historical justification, which has shown its gaps and shortages as well as legitimated powers, favored relations and direct lines of collective memory. Working in an archive being aware of the importance of guidelines to follow, the how and why is the starting point for this archive. The material to be archived is not a mass media material we could say that almost refuses to be archived and hinders their classification and plays even with the mystery and spaces of exhibition, as if being aware of not being part of public sphere they thrill it and they have searched subversively have presence looking for other ways to make, their way as a answer and search for news spaces themselves counter-publics. The idea of this archive would be the creation of one no-archive. If difficult to want to gather and trying to make an archive with this type of material that seems elusive at the begining in their strategies and formats. It is also open to rethinking and changing in a very short time frame. However such arise to talk and be heard. There are many common themes that unite these statements, ideology, likes, ways of operating that sometimes seem to be protected so that intention is not misinterpreted depends on presentation at which contexts. The intent of this archive is to study exactly these in common and even their disagreements for learn from them. All this dynamics coincide in suggesting new formulas on how to make and even live. Sometimes seem a hobby or entertainment but the implication that this practice involves dedication and effort, its values are strong and intend to be spreaded.