Dificultades en la lectura, hábito lector e implicación en el acoso escolar

  1. Irma Elizabeth Rojas Gómez
Dirigée par:
  1. Cecilia Ruiz Esteban Directrice
  2. Inmaculada Méndez Mateo Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 07 octobre 2021

  1. José Manuel García Fernández President
  2. María Isabel de Vicente Yagüe Jara Secrétaire
  3. Nelly Lagos San Martín Rapporteur
  1. Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación

Type: Thèses


This is a study whose objective is to know the reading habits and interests, as well as the reading difficulties of students in the third cycle of Primary Education and their involvement in school coexistence, taking into account the sociodemographic differences. Participants were 326 students enrolled in Primary Education aged 8 to 10 years old. There were 46.9% boys and 53.1% girls. The instruments applied were: the multimodal school interaction questionnaire developed by Caballo et al. (2012) to analyze the frequency in which the student has experienced the situations since the beginning of the school year; the scale on reading attitudes and interests prepared by Meirisuo-Storm and Soininen (2012) and validated in the Spanish version by Artola, Sastre and Alvarado (2018) and the TECLE test (Test of Reading Efficiency) prepared by Marín and Carrillo (1999) that allows to evaluate reading effectiveness. The study has shown that schoolchildren who were involved in the role of aggressor, extreme bullying or cyberbullying usually show less motivation towards reading. Likewise, the role of aggressor tends to show less interest in reading and a low attitude towards studying. It has been shown that schoolchildren who are involved in the roles of victims have a low motivation towards reading together with a low attitude towards studying. It was found that the lower the attitude towards social or collective reading, the greater the involvement in the roles of harassed and extreme harassed or cyberbullying, which is in line with other studies carried out. It has been made clear that schoolchildren involved in bullying situations with the role of observer tend to show low school motivation. It should be noted that it has been found that active observers in defense of the victim have greater reading difficulties according to the TECLE. Therefore, coexistence problems between schoolchildren cause difficulties in interactions, in the school climate, which in turn affects the motivation of schoolchildren towards learning and towards study. In addition, as older participants were a decrease in reading motivation, reading interests and attitudes towards studying had. Finally, with regard to reading difficulties, it was found that as age increased, the errors made decreased and, therefore, with older age, greater successes and fewer difficulties. Regarding the differences related to gender, it was found that boys showed lower levels of reading interests and attitudes towards studying compared to girls. In reading motivation and in attitudes towards social or collective reading, no significant differences were found in the rest of the variables, so it is assumed that both boys and girls showed similar values. With regard to school interaction problems, it was found that boys were more involved in bullying and bullied roles than girls. This study sheds light on the reading habits and interests of children in the third cycle of Primary, as well as determining how these are related to problems of school coexistence. Therefore, when knowing them, it is feasible to propose improvement proposals, or in urgent cases of intervention directed at the family, the school, or both, promoting communication and improving coexistence with all members of the educational community.