Desarrollar competencias emocionales y sociales en alumnado con trastornos del espectro autistauna propuesta de colaboración familia-escuela

  1. Merino Ruiz, Sarai
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Josefina Lozano Martínez Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 von Mai von 2017

  1. Juan Manuel Escudero Muñoz Präsident/in
  2. Auxiliadora Sales Ciges Sekretär/in
  3. María Odet Moliner García Vocal
  1. Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Art: Dissertation


Throughout this thesis, we have raised an educational intervention program that was carried over the course of three academic courses out with four students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) enrolled in a specific open classroom located in a center of Secondary Education. The overall objective formulated has been: "To verify that a didactic proposal for the development of social and emotional competencies in students with ASD, from an area of collaboration between the school, the family and the university research team, favors the improvement and generalization of these skills in the subjects object of study". In addition to this goal, four specific objectives were proposed, which focused on assessing whether through the design and implementation of a program of teaching-learning of emotional and social skills, participant students with ASD improved these skills and achieved progress in regard to the resolution of situations of everyday life. On another note, it was raised to assess the benefits of the development of didactic materials for students, and of guidelines and educational intervention strategies aimed at the teachers and families, as well as the perception and impact of the coordination and joint working between families, teachers and university research team. With regard to the methodological approach of our research, we would like to indicate that it has been qualitative in nature, and that the design of research referred to was a multiple case study, from a participatory action research methodology, approached from the collaboration with students’ families, open classroom teacher, and the university team. The type of educational intervention carried out with students with ASD in the open classroom, was to firstly conduct an initial assessment to all students in order to know the starting level of the same, so as to know what skills they had acquired at that time and which not, in order to plan the next session in the context of family and school. The format followed in each course was similar, due to the fact that over the three courses of duration of the intervention process, an initial assessment was carried out; then a teaching-learning stage; and for the completion of the course, there was a final evaluation. The program of educational intervention was carried out with a few materials belonging to two collections called "Aprende con Zapo. Propuestas Didácticas para el aprendizaje de habilidades emocionales y socials” (Lozano and Alcaraz, 2009) e “Ilusiónate con Tachin y sus historias emotionales y sociales " (Lozano, Cerezo, Merino y Castillo, 2014). Both materials were used for both initial and final evaluation, as well as teaching-learning process, to implement the corresponding activities with the students. With regard to the results obtained after the process of educational intervention developed with each student, the various instruments for the collection of information showed that all students had acquired emotional and social skills, increasing their strategies for conflict resolution, as well as decreasing some inappropriate behaviors that they had before starting this research. But not only were noted improvements in the students, but also the tutor of the open classroom and the families of the students gave evidence, through the instruments used for this purpose (cuestionnaries, interviews and workshops) that they had also benefited from being part of this process of intervention, attaching great importance to this type of collaboration experience, and being very satisfied with the results achieved by the participant children with ASD. By way of conclusion, to expose that the development of collaborative methods between family-school-university has a positive effect on these teaching processes.