El laboratorio artístico-matemático a través de la literaturauna investigación de interacción hipertextual en Segundo y Tercer Ciclo de Educación Primaria

  1. Navarro Navarro, Veronica
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Guerrero Ruiz Director
  2. María Isabel de Vicente Yagüe Jara Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 15 December 2015

  1. Antonio E. Díez Mediavilla Chair
  2. María Teresa Caro Valverde Secretary
  3. Pascuala Morote Magán Committee member
  1. Didactics of Language and Literature (Spanish, English and French)

Type: Thesis


AN ARTS-MATHS LABORATORY THROUGH LITERATURE. RESEARCHING HYPER-TEXTUAL INTERACTION FOR SECOND AND THIRD STAGE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL THESES ABSTRACT This Doctoral Thesis comes as a result of researching into the production of interdisciplinary (art, literature and maths) and inter-textual art installations. Such strategy is efficient for an encompassing teaching both inside and outside exhibition spaces. We take children literature as a key stone, as a teaching resource and as a guiding theme that allows us to work in art and maths jointly. We aim to focus in emotions through the illustrated album "menudo punto", which was produced for this installation, and also develop creativity in the laboratory where it is experimented and investigated. The laboratory has developed in two different venues: a museum and a classroom in a school. Students in the third, fifth and sixth year in primary education have attended the laboratory, from who we have gathered data about the knowledge gained and the evaluation of the workshop by the participants. This has shown the usefulness of the designed method, specially because it has make students strengthen their inter-textual reading skill and value literature, art and maths. Besides, it has allowed them to investigate new terms by new ways of working in which game has taken a key role.