Internet, redes sociales y adolescenciaun estudio en centros de educación secundaria de la Región de Murcia

  1. Ballesta Pagán, Javier
  2. Lozano Martínez, Josefina
  3. Cerezo Máiquez, María del Carmen
  4. Soriano Ayala, Encarnación
Revista Fuentes

ISSN: 1575-7072 2172-7775

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 16

Pages: 109-130

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/REVISTAFUENTES.2015.I16.05 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista Fuentes

Sustainable development goals


With this article we intend to publicize the influence of social networks in the relations established with other young people through this medium; while knowing that exerted by families on the use of social networks in the daily life of teenager some centers of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia control. The research group has tried to analyze, with a particular interest, social relations and the control exercised by the family to the use of social networks of students of Secondary Education. According to our overall goal of research, we opted for a quantitative methodology, using the survey method and for this purpose a questionnaire consisting of 67 items in the Likert scale, distributed in 11 dimensions was designed. Because of the breadth of research, this study only the results obtained in relation to the dimension "Your time", focusing on the use of ICT as a means of entertainment are presented. From the results it appears that the majority believes that the Internet is a safe place and never have been harassed through social networks, while taking security measures to upload their photos, contact with strangers or had an appointment with people who do not know. So, young people do not see an inappropriate use of social networks and think the influence in their lives does not harm them.

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