¿El test "sit and reach" mide la flexibilidad?un estudio de casos
- María Carrasco Poyatos
- Ismael Sanz Arribas
- Vicente Martínez de Haro
- Lourdes Cid Yagüe
- Ignacio Martínez González-Moro
ISSN: 1577-0354
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 13
Issue: 52
Pages: 749-770
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
The aim of this study was to determine muscular activity during the Sit and Reach development. Two subjects were selected, one with hamstring shortness (S1) and the other without hamstring shortness (S2). Sit and Reach test was developed and superficial electromyography and hip angle were measured. Results shows that linear and angular values are higher in S2. In both subjects electromyographic activity got increased in anterior and posterior muscles. Only dorsal lumbar activity decreased in S2. We can conclude that Sit and Reach test measures agonist muscles strength and antagonist muscles resistance to stretching.
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